Friday, August 5, 2016

The transmission at a glance and other problems v2.1

So since 3rd gear ground when being shifted moderately hard, the teardown begins.

Bam, torn down.

Shift rods and gears, blah blah blah

 Springs from shift 3/4 shift collar and balls went flying.
There are thicker springs and "pills" for the shift rods themselves on the left upper side under the bolts, dont confuse the 2 types.

Offending culprit just like Byron said .
It cracked through the thick portion.

Oh- and there's another problem! The first motion shaft is shot! "new" one on the way...
That little piece on the right is supposed to be attached to the piece on the left.  It was in the tail of the box!

V2 update:

Good news, after ordering a new batch, I found my synchronizer ball that went flying.  While torquing the engine head it rolled from under the dolly. Figures.

Instead of chasing it and loosing it again I came up with an idea so astounding, so revolutionary, that it should be patented.

First -
get a laundry basket lined with towels. Work in this zone so your balls wont go anywhere.
 put the springs and balls in the synchronizer- when they go flying again, you'll thank yourself.
Third -
put a large hose clamp around them
Fourth -
inset assembly partially into hub
Whack center hub with soft blow hammer and if everything goes right- you're done!

balls go into cavity with springs- then go flying everywhere!

patent pending , all rights reserved, TM etc... etc....

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