Thursday, May 19, 2016

When MG gives you lemons- seat frames

Seats that is.
2 large clips and 4 small holding seat back on the lower side
pull chrome recliner lever and 2 lower side screws and headrest
to remove seat back cover

I was thinking of taking photos of how it came apart to remember how to put it back together, This is why British steel got a bad rap.  The seats seem pretty good at first....
cardboard held on by 2 screws lower corners
many years ago

After removing the seat base clips I got to the back
and the screwdriver went straight through the frame!


Oh the humanity!  The entire rear section of the seat base frame disentigrated, leaving a gap 8" wide
More British steel.

This is the seat reclining mechanism.  It was rusted almost solid.
PB Blaster to the rescue, and 15 minutes later it moved
 Some would say thats the end of those- lets spend $1200 on new seats.
The rest of the frame, sans surface rust, is solid.   The gap will be filled!
The little teeth are the reclining locks.  When the chrome lever gets pushed
back, it disengages the teeth, This took several times before it
moved and then decided to recline

This is the end result- it creaked and squeaked
the first couple of times, but is much easier now.

The rusty crusty frames were wrapped in paper towels soaked in evaporust ( the stuff that wouldn't work on the hood when it was cold) Now that its warmer- the stuff converts rust pretty good. More to follow....

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