Friday, May 20, 2016

seat 2

I was having issues moving pics into the last seat post, so heres the new and improved version...

The frame was wire buffed, muriatic acid'd (if thats a word), down to steel, then acid etch primered
A coat of paint to follow...
Here is the new and improved rusty pile of British steel

Remember the large missing piece of the frame?  Me neither.
The original frame was cut back to good metal at a 45* angle on both sides,  then 
the new piece of tubing welded in and ground smooth.  The 45* cut is to 
allow more surface area for the weld to spread the load of my butt.
After this I stood on the frame in 4 spots and it didn't have any problems
supporting me.  The recliner lever works better than ever,- just waiting for cushions 
and covers!

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