Thursday, January 29, 2015


  After attempting to pour fuel into the carbs, the rear float gasket was leaking scads of fuel on the exhaust and frame.  What do you expect- its been sitting since around 1991!  I pulled the carbs, got a lesson in how to hook them up and where parts go.  Got the choke cable moving smoothly too. 

  The  mounting bolts hold on the carbs, phelonic? spacers, heat shield ( has a vibration crack starting near the rear carb) and 6 gaskets.  I'm shaving off 1/2" on each of these studs because it took 10 minutes to undo 4 nuts.

Turns out the carbs front fuel float gasket was replaced, but not the rear one that was in 5 pieces.
in cleaning years of crud off the carbs, the throttle bushings had permatex around them.

The wire wheel on a bench grinder and a parts washer took care of the grime.

  Where the throttle cable attaches to the linkage, the trunnion was wallered out.
It was supposed to be around 3/16" but was 1.5X that in one direction.
 The hole was welded shut and re drilled.

After cleaning I found the choke trunnion was a little wobbly too...

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